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Solar Panels Drain the Sun’s Energy, Experts Say

 (AP Photo/Toby Talbot)

(AP Photo/Toby Talbot)

<National Report>This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than global warming.

Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy radiated from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but that energy is directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels, in a process they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.”

“Put into laymen’s terms, the solar panels capture the sun’s energy, but pull on the sun over time, forcing more energy to be released than the sun is actually producing,” WIT claims in a scientific white paper published on Wednesday.  “Imagine a waterfall, dumping water.  But you aren’t catching the water in buckets, but rather sucking it in with a vacuum cleaner.  Eventually, you’re going to suck in so much water that you drain the river above that waterfall completely.”

WIT is adamant that there’s no immediate danger, however.  “Currently, solar panels are an energy niche, and do not pose a serious risk to the sun.  But if we converted our grids to solar energy in a big way, with panels on domestic homes and commercial businesses, and paving our parking lots with panels, we’d start seeing very serious problems over time.  If every home in the world had solar panels on their roofs, global temperatures would drop by as much as thirty degrees over twenty years, and the sun could die out within three hundred to four hundred years.”

The study was commissioned in August 2011 by the Halliburton corporation, who wanted to learn if the energy giant should start manufacturing and selling solar panels domestically and internationally.  Halliburton’s executives wanted to know more about the sustainability of solar energy and how photovoltaic technology might evolve over the next ten years.  But based on the findings of WIT’s research in the field, Halliburton revealed on Friday that they will not be entering the solar energy market.

“Solar panels destroying the sun could potentially be the worst man-made climate disaster in the history of the world, and Halliburton will not be taking part in that,” the company stated in a press release issued Friday morning.  “It’s obvious, based on the findings of this neutral scientific research group, that humans needs to become more dependent on fossil fuels like oil and coal, not less.  Because these so-called `green technologies’ are far more dangerous to the Earth than any hydrofracking operation or deep-water drilling station.  What good is clean air when our very sun is no longer functional?”

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1,892 Responses to "Solar Panels Drain the Sun’s Energy, Experts Say"

  1. Drew says:

    Let me get this straight. An oil giant did a privately funded research project to find out if they should start researching the direct competition. They came up with a “scientific white paper” (what is that?) that says in 400 years, if we put a solar panel on every home and on every road, that we will deplete a 4.5 billion year old nuclear mass that weighs over three hundred thousand times what earth weighs.

    This is ridiculous propaganda. Next they’ll be saying that if we erect hundreds of thousands of windmills that there will be no wind left on the Earth. To try to play this off as news should be criminal.

    Solar panels absorb sunlight that would normally hit the ground. Upon hitting the ground some of that sunlight gets reflected back, and some of that sunlight gets converted into heat (similar to how lightbulbs work). If the world were covered in solar panels then the temperature would drop because less heat would be created upon reflection, but there would be absolutely no effect on the sun. Likewise, if the world were covered in trees then the temperature would experience a similar drop.

    Everyone has a choice regarding which media they expose themselves to..be responsible about it. Be skeptical. Read the bottom of your screen..”DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by writers on this site… …are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editoral integrity of National Report”.

    If you believe the above article to be true then you need to seriously re-evaluate your own credibility as a person. With all of the information available at your finger tips you make no attempt to discover truths, not a single search to find out that “forced photovoltaic drainage” doesn’t exist, or to learn about Halliburton’s agenda. I’m afraid for the other completely false ideas that you believe in.

  2. yeeah right says:

    hehehe, “draning the suns energy” in fact the sun radiates energy all the time, but it will take billions of years before it runns out. the little sunlight that reaches the earth is just a millionth fraction of the total energy released. the sun in fact is 1300000 times bigger than earth 🙂

  3. Chris S says:

    Another study was just finished by the Heritage Foundation that also indicates that over the years these panels absorb so much energy they have a tendency to explode, attract aliens and potentially cause AIDS.

  4. Danny says:

    Well that was a good laugh, sad part though is that there are people dumb enough to believe it.

  5. Andy K says:

    You have got to be kidding me. Is this a leftover article from April 1st or is it from the Onion newspaper? If anyone, and I mean anyone believes this must sterilize themselves. Please don’t breed! This level of ignorance is beyond anything I have seen anyone come up with. leftover believers of the now defunct Flat-Earth society are smarter than these morons. A quick search shows this organization doesn’t even have a website. Seriously, someone please tell me this is a joke because people cannot be that stupid.

    Just basic physics: it takes 1.3 Million Earths to make up the diameter of the sun.

  6. Brandon says:

    Does anyone actually believe this nonsense? Wait, is this a satirical website? Ahhh, you got me!

  7. Andy K says:

    Ha ha – Ok Checked out this website more – OK so it is a joke. Nice work guys!


  8. ME says:

    This is the STUPIDEST thing I have EVER read. The amount of disinformation we are fed everyday continues to increase. Wow. Just wow.

  9. Brian Bigelow says:

    They should definitely leave the LSD alone.

  10. Wow says:

    Wow, Halliburton. If our tiny solar panels can do that to the giant sun (The earth is the size of a pinhead, the sun the size of a basketball) imagine what the exhaust from millions of cars each day could do to the atmosphere of the earth!

    And America actually does business with these people?

  11. It says:

    Ummm, if that’s the case then we should be at war with trees and anything else that uses PHOTOSYNTHESIS as a means to transfer energy…..seeing it’s basically the same concept……idiots..

    • C says:

      You’re right! Photosynthetic organisms have been pulling energy from the sun since they first evolved.

      So by my calculations and this totally accurate research the sun died out at least 3 billion years ago… I wonder why it looks like its still there.

  12. mark says:

    Do…do people actually believe this to be fact? There is no such thing as “forced photovoltaic drainage”. If it did exist, wouldn’t plants “drain the suns energy”? The sun is going to release its energy in a constant fashion regardless if we are utilizing it or not. This study is utter and complete garbage.

  13. Bollocks says:

    This is about the biggest bit of rubbish I have ever read. Let’s start a conversation on physics for the mindless sheep that seem to think this is actually possible.

    First off – The Sun’s energy is radiated due to the constant thermonuclear fusion occuring inside of it. Hydrogen atoms fuse into Helium, which has a lower mass. The lost mass is converted into energy, which is released in various forms of radiation (electromagnetic radiation, heat, among many others). The reason the sun continues to stay so hot and bright is because of the MIND BLOWING amount of hydrogen contained in the sun. The diameter of the hydrogen fuel used for atomic bombs is a few centimeters, which produces enough energy (with a less energistic reaction) to level entire cities. The sun is literally billions of times bigger. It will continue burning for a very long time.

    Now explain to me how exactly a solar glass panel is supposed to reduce the amount of Hydrogen in the sun?

    This is probably the most inane and nonsensical publication I have ever read. I really feel sorry for anyone that lacks the basic brain capacity to realize how much of a pile of steaming dung this is. You cannot “draw energy” out of the sun – it’s not a freaking battery. It’s a big ball of gas that is going to continue releasing energy at the rate it’s supposed to no matter what we do here on earth (short of finding a way to kill the thermonuclear reaction that fuels the star in the first place).

    I’m incredibly offended that this piece of garbage has even seen the light of day. This is the weakest attempt to discredit an Oil-reducing invention that I have ever had the displeasure of wasting my time reading in my life. Shame on every one of you who actually bought this for even a second.

  14. brady says:

    this is obviously funded buy big oil

  15. Linda says:

    Somebody’s been smoking or snorting something.

  16. brady says:

    like our minuscule planet covered in solar panels will drain the all mighty power of the sun, GET BENT

  17. Jero-Z says:

    This is so ludicrous. I can’t stop laughing at this! To people who don’t know about science, this is so impossible it’s funny. I think its supposed to be a joke but I can’t be sure. They might just be stupid.

  18. Mary Lou says:

    I just realized this site is a pro-republican site…when I saw Sarah Palin’s picture decorating the site…(yuk) Now I won’t even bother reading anything else on the site, knowing it will all be BS directed at Obama and the Democratic party. A waste of reading time, for sure. Sarah should be out shooting turkeys or clubbing seals, instead of being paid for adding absolutely nothing intelligent to this (so-called) report.

  19. Richard says:

    This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard…

  20. oss says:

    look at this fucking map and tell me that we’re going to DRAIN the sun of it’s energy? http://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html
    are you fucking serious right now? Nice try Halliburton you bastards

    • Mic says:

      Thank you. really. Thank you – the perspective on this map makes the whole discussion almost as funny as the comments.

      This was the funniest read I’ve had in a while. #embarrassedbypoliticians

  21. Lisa says:

    You’ve got to be kidding me. Really. I hope no one actually believes this nonsense.

  22. Lisa says:

    Is this a joke?

  23. Monty says:

    The study is a hoax. A piece of glass and silicon on earth can in no way cause the sun to expend energy any faster than it already does. The vast majority of the sun’s energy is lost to space. Even if the entire surface of the earth was covered with solar cells it would make no difference. I genuinely hope the people commenting in support of this ridiculous study don’t actually believe what they are saying.

  24. Ham Guy says:

    I call B.S.

  25. Yakko Warner says:

    So, switching to solar power would not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but reduce solar output? Sounds like it’s twice as effective at preventing global warming as originally thought!

  26. The Sun says:

    What is wrong with you people?

  27. Richard says:

    This study is a hoax! It also it most likely the company that did the study which resulted in a report which says that using wind turbines slows down the wind. and if you look REALLY closely probably funded by big oil!

  28. Roy says:

    I sincerely hope that no one is buying this load of BS. There is no such place as the Wyoming Institute of Technology. And if you think that a couple of solar panels on Earth (which is 93 million miles from the Sun) in any way affect the the energy being emitted by the Sun, then you need to change the tinfoil in your hat.

  29. Ebby says:

    This is simply ridiculous, if collecting energy from the sun actually drained the sun of it’s energy and caused damage to the sun then the sun would have been gone ages ago. Plant’s have been around longer than humans and how to plants survive? Through photosynthesis, which pulls energy from the sun. People need to use a little common sense instead of just blindly accepting facts,

    • Ben says:

      No kidding! When I first read this, I couldn’t believe it was real. It is quite literally one of the dumbest science articles I have EVER read. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s nothing but oil industry/right wing propaganda. Of course, their flock is going eat this shit right up.

  30. KA Woodson says:

    This is pretty ridiculous. Solar panels actually drain energy from the Sun? How can a panel literally billions of times smaller than the Sun, 93,000,000 miles away from it, pull on the energy with any negligible effect? Even if we did have our roads paved with solar cells it makes absolutely no sense that it would have a negative effect on the Sun in any way shape or form? This coupled with the fact that it was a study for Haliburton leads me to believe that it’s all complete BS

  31. youngergen says:

    What a load of crap, ” become more dependent on fossil fuels like oil and coal, not less.” Yes let us drain the entire planet of a non renewable resource then we will all be screwed. The sun produces it’s own energy and the earth does not have an affect on it. Solar panels do not pull on the sun and cause it to drain energy from the sun, that is impossible. Solar panels absorb what visible light hits it from the electromagnetic spectrum, hence why when you have one of those solar toys it does not work in the dark, but once light hits it it continues to work, there is still heat radiation reaching it so therefore to say that it will cause a rapid cool down of temperatures is a joke.

  32. Susanne says:

    Nice little plug for fracking at the bottom. Good to know what their agenda really is! What a crock of shit!!!

    • Ben says:

      You know it’s a crock of shit right when you see the pictures of Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin in the header.

  33. Dan says:

    possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, and I note a definite lack of the “evidence.” No actual numbers or even a link to a terribly written report. I hope the author continues to work for Halliburton, because this obviously biased article is crap and should get you laughed out of any serious debate about climate change or green energy. Take some pride in your work man.

    • Rich says:

      Rest easy, “The National Report” is a parody site, similar to “The Onion”.

  34. Zev says:

    You guys know there is NO validity to this… re-read it… then google “forced photovoltaic drainage” which is their only claim of science in here… then go… Wow… i guess anyone can really write anything they want online eh…?

  35. Chris says:

    Look at who did the study: Halliburton. An oil company, that would only stand to profit from such a “discovery.” Tell me, why haven’t scientists in Germany figured this out (if it were the truth,) and said anything about it? More than 70% of Germany’s energy comes from solar panels. I’d figured that they’d have found something along those lines if it were true.

    Plus, that is NOT how solar panels work! They don’t “suck energy” from the sun. They store energy in photo-voltaic cells, not “suck energy.” Not to mention, the sun is over 50 billion years old, and isn’t even in the middle of its life. It still has over 50 billion years left, until it goes supernova. Us using solar panels will not just “suck up” that much energy. It’s all a hoax, carried out by Halliburton, who is trying to discredit the solar industry so that they can profit. That is all.

  36. greg blee says:

    I read that study. Haliburton concludes that open-air nuclear power generation is best for the bottom line … er, i mean the environment. Also that conspiracy theories should be given equal time with science in all schools, starting at grade 3. Free speech forever (or at least until the American social experiment collapses).

  37. Zev says:

    Whos WIT exactly? Can i read this paper that was published somewhere? Sources anywhere….?

    “Put into laymen’s terms, the solar panels capture the sun’s energy, but pull on the sun over time, forcing more energy to be released than the sun is actually producing,” WIT claims in a scientific white paper published on Wednesday. “Imagine a waterfall, dumping water. But you aren’t catching the water in buckets, but rather sucking it in with a vacuum cleaner. Eventually, you’re going to suck in so much water that you drain the river above that waterfall completely.”
    – See more at: http://umu.4f8.mywebsitetransfer.com/solar-panels-drain-suns-energy-experts-say/comment-page-1/#comment-429745

  38. Shirlee says:

    For SHAME, National Report… treating your readers like they have the mental capacity of infants, and perpetrating this hoax and misinformation to unthinking people! Apart from the physics of this mythical problem, consider the relative sizes! If the earth were the size of a tennis ball, the sun would be a sphere over 23 feet across. If the entire United States were covered with solar panels, shore to shore, border to border, including Alaska and Hawaii, it would be as if there were a 1/2 inch square of tinfoil (about the size of a thumb nail) on that tennis ball. Of course, we have no where NEAR that amount of solar panels on the planet. And you would have us believe that this tiny area covered with solar panels is going to suck the energy out of the sun that is a million times larger than the entire Earth, much less that half inch square? If your readers really do believe this, then the Republican Party is far greater distress than I thought!

  39. Linda Spors says:

    Are you people crazy? Oh..never mind, you are just in bed with the oil companies. NO SCIENTIST would ever say that solar panels deplete the suns energy. How stupid do you think I am? It is impossible for our Earth or anything on it to effect the sun.

  40. TJS says:

    What moron funded this? This is absolutely the biggest steaming pile of dogsh*t I’ve ever read…..EVER.

  41. Tony says:

    Well it was a fascinating article but went totally bunk when they said the sun – which will be around for another 5 to 6 BILLION years – would die out in just 3 to 4 HUNDRED years if every home had solar panels. Foul on the play. And I’m not a liberal tree hugger. I’m an intelligent self thinking conservative who will call BS on either party.

  42. Tom in Austin says:

    This might be literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on the internet. And that’s really saying something. Love the part about it being funded by Halliburton.

    The is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it. So you’re saying that solar panels, which could only be on the 30% of land that’s on Earths surface could deplete the sun in 100 years. I bet you guys believe that the Earth is just 6000 years old too. Maybe that it’s flat too.

    Is there anyone who really believes this stuff?

  43. Mary says:

    So.. to counteract global warming we should put as many solar panels up as possible and in 20 years according to this report we will cool the earth by 30 degrees. Then we turn them off until they are needed again. PROBLEMS SOLVED!

  44. Larry Speaks says:

    What people have to realize is that companies like Halliburton always have the interests of shareholders in mind – these shareholders are people too and they are not about to let them die in the darkness are they? Its democratic obama supporting unamerican companies that will buy in to this libtard solar industry and screw the people and our childrens future!

  45. brian says:

    This is the biggest piece of nonsense I have ever read in my entire life – I am facepalming so hard my head is about to roll right off my shoulders. Ludicrous nonsense in the utmost degree. was this so-called “research” done with tin cans hooked up on strings and written out in crayon??? Solar panels DO NOT – I repeat DO NOT force energy from the sun. Does people not realize how far the sun is from the earth? We’re specks of dirt. This claim is impossible and that is a FACT. I can’t get over the number of people agreeing with this stupidity! THIS is why we can’t have nice things!!!! The world can’t get any better because the world is full of people who will believe anything they read on the internet. DO NOT believe this story!

  46. Audly Enough says:

    Heh, heh… just go look at the staff page and feel better, y’all.

  47. Tony says:

    For those making this a Republican vs Democrat thing – remember one of the biggest supporter of Solar Roads (go google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about) is Sen Mike Crapo, a Republican from Idaho. People have been brainwashed to thing Republicans are anti-environment. Think again and start thinking for yourself.

  48. jesskazen says:

    how can something release more energy than it produces?

  49. Concerned Kentuckian says:

    I didn’t know solar panels was dangerous. I had a bunch of these put up on my roof last year. Is there a risk of fire? I know the sun is hot and when I seen pictures of it it looked like a big fireball. So does that mean these things can suck fire out of the sun and set my house on fire? This is what you get when Obama is your president I guess your house catches on fire and he gives them subsidees!

  50. radanny says:

    Whoever believes this is pants on head retarded. It’s like saying a leaking roof will dry faster because you put a bucket under the drip.

*DISCLAIMER: National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.