Study Shows Majority Of Americans Believe Trump’s Twitter Intrinsically Linked To His Presidency
Donald Trump is infamous for his aggressive tweeting habits, which is why internet users were left utterly befuddled Thursday when @realdonaldtrump linked to a broken page on Twitter’s website.
It has been reported that a disgruntled Twitter [...]
Vladimir Tops the List of Most Popular Baby Names in US
WASHINGTON, DC — Vladimir now heads the list of the most popular baby names for American boys, bumping Jackson, Aiden, Lucas, and Liam from the top spots.
The Russian moniker began trending last year, reflecting the increasing number of Republican [...]
Trump to Limit All Intelligence Briefings to 140-Characters
TRUMP TOWER – Soon after securing the Republican presidential nomination, business mogul/reality TV star Donald J. Trump swore off any and all assistance from the U.S. intelligence community, stating he did not trust the briefings he was [...]
Canada Offers to Build Wall Around Bristol Palin’s Vaginal Cavity
TORONTO – A northern firestorm erupted earlier today when an off-the-record comment made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was leaked to the outside press. During an interview with the CBC Thursday morning, Trudeau made what some [...]