American cuisine is rooted in colonialism, slavery and conquest of native peoples. Some seek to end the rich variety of ethnic foods with racist roots by targeting food celebrities like Paula Deen and of course make everyone eat bland tasteless foods or worse – bugs!
(National Report) –Paula Deen is an American food personality that many are calling a racist after she admitted to using the N word back in the last century. Even after the Supreme Court of the United States has declared racism dead with the decision to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965, some social media do goodies are on the prowl seeking racism criminals like Nazi hunters with a pack of dogs.
Ms. Deen has lost several lucrative sponsorships and her cooking show as a result of the media storm. The Food Network has canceled her cooking show. WalMart will no longer sell Paula pots, pans or pies. Smithfield Hams no longer wants her as a celebrity spokesperson for salty cured pork products. Casino owners don’t want the Paula Deen name associated with their all-you-can-eat buffets.
While some see this as just desserts for building an empire based on racial discrimination and violation of the social code, others see it as an affront to cultural folkways and lost employment as the Deen Empire diminishes.
The winners in this racially divided hate storm include the umbrella salesmen, lawyers and media outlets that earn money as a result of public interest in the witch hunt. The tasteless, racially bland purveyors of gruel also benefit.
No one in this century wants to be called names, not the N word or the R word. Grasping the Paula Deen public outrage with both hands are the makers of Soylent, a viscous liquid of nondescript flavor containing all the nutrients and none of color racism or enjoyment associated with food.

Hospitality and employment aren’t racist, but some internet hate mongers seek to destroy both. By taking down Paula Deen, jobs will be lost. Thanks for increasing the unemployment rate, Hate Mongers!
A racist is a person that who in word and deed conveys a belief that human beings can be divided into a hierarchy of different races with distinctive superior and inferior characteristics. In some circles, simply acknowledging different skin tones is considered racist, unless the acknowledged skin tone is white.
Most good food has some kind of ethnic history steeped in racism, slavery or some very hard living. Crackers harken back to the days when Hebrews were enslaved by the Pharaoh. Cracker is also an epithet for whites, but no one is deprived their Food Empire for saying the word “cracker” or crushing some up in a nice black bean soup.

Internet racism hounds don’t seem to bother the thousands of companies that use corn syrup in their products. Corn or Maize became a cash crop after the massacre of many Native American people. Corn is possibly the most racist agricultural crop.
The corn syrup found in nearly every product in the grocery store and used to make bio-fuel is the result of conquering the dark skinned Native Americans. The American pallet has been shaped by slavery, colonialism and conquest.

Why does WalMart continue to offer Eskimo Pies when the very name is offensive to Snow Mexicans? The double standard is troubling when suppliers are treated like sharecroppers.
Social mores can dictate food ways. The corn flake and Graham cracker were both invented by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg to stave off the allure of masturbation and promote vegetarianism. Today, products like Soyleant are being offered to stop racism and increase masturbation, because the stuff is so devoid of pleasure the body is compelled to seek other outlets.
Soyleant has never been prepared by slaves. In fact, it is a machine preparation that eliminates the need to involve people, which are the problem when it comes to racism.
Human beings will always make distinctions and create hierarchies of superiority amongst themselves. Morally right or wrong, judgment is hardwired into the human need for survival as a stop gap to determine good from bad. How these norms of distinction are formed is dependent on experience and social indoctrination. This is the secret of Soylent and the bug eater cartel.
Many people see food as only fuel for the body. They do not relish the warm comfort of cornbread, slathered in butter and seafoam molasses or a simple biscuit, bake-fried to to a crunchy crust in non-stick bacon fat, so tender soft as a newly blossomed cotton boll on the inside.
Good food is inherently racist because it reflects our past. If tasteless goo is the price we have to pay to avoid being labeled, then perhaps we need to rethink and redefine racist. Americans will not abide the loss of her unique and delicious cuisine.
She was not framed. .She made several Anti-Semitic statements, which she stood by & enen elaborated on, since she was dropped by the Food network