Sarah Palin Wants Arabic Numerals Banned From America’s Schools
WASILLA, Alaska — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who recently curbed her demanding speaking schedule in order to care for her injured husband Todd, found time to support Ted Cruz’s call for stricter monitoring of Muslim neighborhoods [...]

Sarah Palin Calls On Obama to Close Borders Bookstores
WASILLA, Alaska – Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin issued a direct plea to Barack Obama, urging him to order the Department of Homeland Security to “immediately seal off and close the nation’s borders,” and to shut down “the [...]

Trump: “Build a Fence Around New Mexico”
HOT SPRINGS, AR– Saying, “New Mexico. Mexico. It’s all the same. The word Mexico is in the name of both places, isn’t it?,” Republican presidential contender Donald Trump doubled down on his controversial comments about Mexico during [...]