WASILLA, Alaska — In a series of now deleted Facebook posts, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said voting for Hillary Clinton would “tarnish the silver strides women have made throughout history’s golden arches ever since the Bronze Age.”
The 58 year-old former Fox news pundit called for an end to women’s suffrage, “because historically, across our great nation, we women have suffered enough!”
Apparently, Mrs. Palin is promoting the “Never Hillary” movement, detailed in a new, hard-hitting political ad. The ad shows Clinton supporting the alleged victims of entertainer Bill Cosby, but accuses her of mounting a “terror campaign” in the 1990s against the women linked to another Bill — her husband.
It is unclear when Palin’s Facebook posts disappeared, but sources say the deletion occurred sometime after she became aware of the real women’s suffrage movement of the 1800s.
Palin reportedly told close associates that her Facebook page “was obviously hacked up,” and that she did not write the posts.
“The language used does not reflect my verbliage,” remarked Palin. “It sounds nothing like me. I was cyber squatted by some liberal, lamestream, left winger from Loserville!”
“Youbetcha dollars to doughnuts it was probably one of those Katie Couric gotcha journalism types, or someone of her elk,” she added.