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Millions Mourn As Rocker/Activist Ted Nugent, Age 75, Found Alive

 (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

(AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

Millions of Americans are in mourning after news broke this afternoon that rocker/activist Ted Nugent was still alive. Word broke early, spread quickly, and sent shock waves throughout the rock and roll community and the Republican Party, where Nugent, 75, is well-known for his fierce advocacy for conservative causes, unwavering support for the rights of gun owners and hunters, and ferocious loyalty and devotion to today’s true American patriots. The National Rifle Association issued the following statement:

Ted Nugent has proudly and patriotically served on the NRA’s board of directors since 1995. The Association shares a deep sense of shock with our 4.5 million members and countless millions of supporters as details of this catastrophic event continue to unfold.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), one of several organizations Nugent violently criticized in the past, also issued a statement expressing condolences.

Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Nugent initially found fame as lead guitarist for The Amboy Dukes before embarking on a solo career. Highlights from Nugent’s life include a 1977 interview appearing in High Times magazine, in which he famously told a reporter how he avoided the [Viet Nam War] draft: he did not bathe, brush his teeth, or shave for 30 days leading up to his pre-induction physical. To sweeten the pot, he also defecated in his pants. “I was so proud,” Nugent recalled. In later years he denied those accounts, saying he made up the story to trick the gullible reporter. That same year, Nugent’s song Cat Scratch Fever dominated the rock and roll charts.

President Obama, the target of many of Nugent’s negative comments, reportedly expressed astonishment when informed during a cabinet meeting that Nugent had lived another day. During the White House’s daily media briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz informed the assembled press corps that the President asked members of his cabinet to join him in a moment of silence to acknowledge Nugent’s survival.

Throughout Detroit and surrounding suburbs, fans both old and new erected makeshift tributes to the rocker, lighting candles, singing songs, and leaving cards and ticket stubs from many of Nugent’s concerts as testimonials to a life still lived.

Ted Nugent, 1948 –

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164 Responses to "Millions Mourn As Rocker/Activist Ted Nugent, Age 75, Found Alive"

  1. Alexandra says:


    • Greg Reed says:

      Draft-dodging coward and serial child rapist. A true anti-patriot of America…like most conservatives.

      • smorty says:

        You are fucked up in the head.

      • Luke says:

        And when did you serve… You believe anything written by Liberals.

      • DamnRebel says:

        Exactly right, Greg. Republicans sure like starting wars—as long as they and their children don’t have to go fight. Just another hypocritical chicken hawk, who only takes up arms against defenseless animals. I’m a hunter and gun owner, don’t get me wrong, but he is exactly the type who gives the rest of us a bad name. A TRUE DEPLORABLE. And the comments by some others here only confirm that.

        The fact that George Michael and Carrie Fisher are dead, while he is still alive, just proves that there sure isn’t any wise, just god ruling this sh*tshow of a universe.

        • Shane McIntosh says:

          Seriously butt munch? I’m a proud veteran and a republican conservative. I served my country honorably and proudly! Who are you to lump all into one.
          You don’t have to like nugent. But fk you if your going to judge all. Typical fkn liberal, go high and think you are better than others. Label and judge anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Here is an article for you from a liberal newspaper.
          Just some quick facts 44% of military are republican. 37 % are democratic.
          And currently republicans are 2 to 1 in joining. Now go suck one dipshit

          • paul says:

            lol @ “butt munch” — you’re aware the washington examiner is a phony conservative tabloid, correct? notice how there are no sources to these so called “figures”?

            a liberal newspaper my ass — just because it’s from DC?

          • Corey says:

            You just did everything you accused others of doing by judging and labeling… Typical hypocritical bullshit from a rightwing dumbass

          • Matty Groves says:

            A) If you think any liberal person would lie about being in the military then you know nothing about liberals
            B) You’re critsising him for attacking someone that disagrees with him while you’re doing the exact same thing.
            C) Everyone with half a brain knows the Democrat party is pretty much as bad in terms of war crimes and the real problem is partisan politics which you’re helping to perpetuate. So is the other guy to be fair but at least he’s trying!
            D) what is your point with statistics? in real life terms 44% and 37% both add up to “round about half”….
            E) dont you think its screwed up that the current Republican president claims to be anti-war and yet twice as many republicans are currently joining up? (see C above)

          • Everett Plummer says:

            Ted not only served the NRA he also served in law enforcement. Also he trains recruits. he is no snowflake.His conservative views are not offensive to sensible people, so glad to hear that he is okay. what kind of people would wish harm on another? Sad.

          • Doc says:

            Nuthin worse than a Liberal…Look at what they’re doing right now…
            What else need I say?

        • EARTHLING says:

          Ted did in FACT avoided the draft. Nugent dodging the draft didn’t come out of thin air; Nugent himself reportedly attested to the act during a 1977 interview with High Times. During a 2006 interview with the U.K.’s Independent, Nugent denied the whole story, saying, “You’ve got to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up. I never did crystal meth. And I never pooped my pants.” He also claimed in the interview that a student deferment got him out of the draft. Another crock by Nugent, yet he was always good with BS just like Trump. LIARS & Cowards. Research does show that in fact that the NRA firearm advocate did have a student deferment, but he was ultimately rejected from military service in 1969 as a RESULT of a physical examination. The story on this is partly just BS and Nugent isn’t dead YET but there’s still a lot of truth being said too. At age 18, Nugent was a COWARD and yet he was killing animals even as a child. Yet one thing’s certain, Ted Nugent is having health issues at the age of 68 as of December 13th and he’s also losing his hair faster then ever these days too. Yet at least he still has his fake teeth. Bottom line regarding Nugent is he’s always been a coward and even laughs with pleasure of causing suffering to animals and that makes him a psychopath.

          • Anti-liberal says:

            I thought liberals were against vietnam…oh, except when it suits you to bash a Republican. I see how it works now.

          • Ross says:

            As a Vietnam War draft dodger, Ted Nugent is a tremendous hypocrite because today in his book Ted, White, and Blue, he advocates for a mandatory two-year military draft for everybody upon high school graduation! That is why Teddy is a big hypocrite!

          • Everett Plummer says:

            Well Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and became President with that on his record. Was pardoned but we all remember his cowardly act.

          • Diana says:

            I do not fault Nugent for dodging the draft, if he did, in a war that many Americans felt was immoral. My parents and many other relatives served in the military, but if they had felt a war was immoral, I would understand their refusing to serve. What I don’t understand is someone refusing to serve but glorifying war, excusing war crimes, and pushing for the “freedom” to buy assault rifles and massacre their fellow citizens.

        • Matty Groves says:

          George Michael?
          (not that I didn’t know that he’s dead, just weird that he’s your go to “I can’t believe he’s dead guy”)

      • Lana says:

        Thank you Greg! Agreed 100%

      • rsgirl says:

        I agree, he is pretentious and a child rapist.

      • Hope says:


      • Tom says:

        Greg your an idiot you need look no further than your own POS President Bill Clinton if you want to talk about preverts and rapist! He’s the worst of all because he used his ected office to harm women and keep bis crimes a secret!

      • Michele Brewer says:

        Fuck you!

      • jeff skinner says:

        Has a job one up on you

      • Ted Nugent says:

        I know you are, but what am I?

      • Survivor says:

        Greg is dead on. Nugent AND Courtney Love corroborated that he molested her
        and other underage girls.

        Nugent admitted dodging the draft as well.

        A real piece of shit. Die Ted die.

      • Debi says:

        I’m happy to have to inform you, most of the pedophiles are democrats. They are the ones like Bill Clinton. Harvey Weinstein who use their power to molest children. How do you get the idea this all American guy was a pedophile? You are more full of ? than a bottom feeder!

      • Marty says:


        You have your parties confused. You have the draft dodger Bill Clinton whom is also a pedo with his buddies Kevin Spacy a Hollywood liberal and the king himself Jeffrey Epstein who Bill and Hillary had killed to keep silent. As for anti patriot that would be all those liberal endorsements Antifa, kapernicks, and that dude who won the World Cup on the women’s soccer team. All anti American and anti conservative. Keep drinking the kool-aid and falling for the propaganda of the globalist agenda to take down capitalism. PS. Global warming is the greatest scam in world history.

      • Wayne says:

        Screw you cry baby. Go stand in a corner and take a time out

    • Jerry says:

      Damn…. I Love this guy ! ! !

    • Daniel Moore says:

      Ted shit and pissed his pants for a week to get a mental case deferment to avoid going to Vietnam… HIS WORDS!!!

    • Great White North says:

      I went hunting in Michigan a few times with Americans and this is what they told me. We love to trick animals into thinking that they are safe, then blast them with our AR 15’s. We are so tough and smart that the animals don’t stand a chance. We don’t eat or need the meat because our bitches shop in stores not the forest. We just like to show dominance over every living thing on this planet. Democrat or Republican doesn’t matter, same inferiority complex issues in every state except Alaska and Hawaii. China and USA will ruin the world because of small man’s disease. Y’all are scared little boys. Get well soon Ted. GWN out.

  2. Zach W. says:

    This article is as funny as getting kicked in the nuts.

  3. neon blade says:

    This news just broke my heart. Please say it aint so!

  4. Cassidy Pen says:

    I think I heard something about this mentioned at the most recent National Prayer Breakfast.

  5. tomy kay says:

    Living the dream…Hats off to Ted. Pansy America has a problem with ya bro. I dont. You did what you love and still do.

    • Coco Brazil says:

      “You did what you love…” You mean underage girls, right?

      • That’s it for today. There’s no topping that. Well done, sir. Well done.

      • Philip James says:

        Hats off to Coco. RWNJ America has a problem with ya. I don’t. 🙂

      • Bill Homans says:

        Or shooting defenseless animals by ambush, right?

        We are within the same year of age. I liked music and girls and drugs and all, but faced with a choice, I took the step forward and then volunteered for Vietnam. Now Ted is gungho for guns and war. He is a CHICKENHAWK, just like Bush, Cheney, and every current Republican candidate for President except MAYBE Rand Paul. Bleep him, the horse he rode in on, and its sire and dam.

        • Barry Bledsoe says:

          Defenseless animals? You make it sound like it is a war between humans and animals! Animals are here for a reason. Part of the reason they are here is to provide US with food! And yes, Ted Nugent IS gungho for guns! Why? Because GOD gives us the right to protect ourselves, and provide food for ourselves. And the US Constitution guarantees those GOD given rights! So hurray for Ted Nugent and his passion for sticking up for his and our rights!

          • greg says:

            God didn’t give us the right you moron. The constitution does.

          • KSH says:

            Yeah,he had no problem being a scumbag that shit his pants to weasel out of going to Vietnam. What a POS!!!! But now that he’s older he’s gung-ho for war. My brother served in the army and went to Afghanistan and he is an embarrassment to the armed forces and the U.S.A.! Hope he chokes on a deer bone whil making his pig squeal!!!!! ? ? ? ? By the way,my husband thinks the same way!!!!!

          • SthrnGuy says:

            Obviously you failed civics 101. The U.S. was founded on the Constitution, not the Bible, idiot. We are a Democracy (or what’s left of one), not a Theocracy…Google them. It is our Constitutional right to own firearms, not a God given one.

            Ted chickened out of his generation’s war in Vietnam, but runs his loud ass mouth about sending others into war to potentially be killed or maimed. He’s a “the buck stops over there” kind of weasel, just like most of his fellow right wing, war mongering nut jobs.

            I say take his lunatic ass and drop him in theater in the middle of combat. Then he can shoot to his hearts content, and not just get to “play war”, but actually experience the trauma and extreme psychological damage war does to those who have actually been in combat, if he survives it.

            He’s nothing but a loud mouthed, tough talking wussy who was too scared to put his life on the line for his country, and let others do it instead. He has zero credibility, everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit, and his music sucked as well.

          • zelda says:

            Learn to read pandering cocksucker of “the nuge”. Bill said “ambush”, meaning yellowbelly coward teddie hides in his blind while his lackies drive his creature of choice into view and so he can proceed to blast the shit out of it. And if you know anything about hunting, he isn’t doing this out of a need for sustenance. It’s just as cowardly as shitting his pants, living in his feces and scum vomit from all the booze, meth and coke he was doing in order to avoid the draft and become the Great Chickenhawk of Michigan.

          • Roger says:

            For all you that are saying this country wasn’t founded on the bible but the constitution, what do you think the constitution was framed after. This country is base on christian values always has been and always will be otherwise it will be the end of this country. Look at the past 8 years Obama tried to push Christian value out and the country is falling apart the worst it has ever been. Now get back to your whining.

          • Dee says:

            god gives us the right to defend ourselves, how the hell did god get into gun bullshit? think you are pushing a bit hard there as if there was a god don’t you think he’d be using his skill for good instead of all the Evil going on if there is a god he must love evil, not good.

        • TedFanBoy says:

          Do you ever eat meat of any kind? If you do, you also kill defenseless animals. You just hire someone to do it for you.

          • zelda says:

            Learn to read you pandering cocksucker of “the nuge”. Bill said “ambush”, meaning yellowbelly coward teddie hides in his blind while his lackies drive his creature of choice into view and so he can proceed to blast the shit out of it. And if you know anything about hunting, he isn’t doing this out of a need for sustenance. It’s just as cowardly as shitting his pants, living in his feces and scum vomit from all the booze, meth and coke he was doing in order to avoid the draft and become the Great Chickenhawk of Michigan.

          • Roger says:

            Zelda do you consider the animals that are raise for meat to “ambushed by yellowbelly coward teddie hides (whatever that means)” hunting from a blind is a strategy that’s all and most hunters only use on shot. You sound like one of those PETA types that say one thing then do the other. I bet in one way or another you are responsible for the killing of “defenseless” animals pretty much on a daily basis.

          • jacksays says:

            killing an animal for food is one thing. killing an animal for sport is completely different and abhorrent.

            animals were not put here just for us to kill them. they are part of the ecosystem just as we are.

        • Rob Colbert says:

          Asking out of pure naive unawareness…what is this “underage girls” thing? Is there something about Ted I should know? I’m serious. Generally speaking, I appreciate his words about patriotism, etc., but find the rest of his arrogant presentation to be a little…lacking.

          Is Ted Nugent guilty of actual statutory rape?

          • Jim Roberts says:

            Well, he specifically wrote a song about wanting to have sex with 13 year olds. He also adopted a 17 year old girl so that he could have sex with her. I don’t know how you could consider him patriotic when he dodged the draft by crapping his pants, and then talked tough about how he could’ve fought in Vietnam while calling for others to put their lives on the line when he was too cowardly to do so himself. He’s also a pretty unabashed racist. It’s one thing to dislike our President, and another to refer to him as a “subhuman mongrel.”

          • Jim,
            But he did do Stranglehold.

        • Diana says:

          Hi Bill – I don’t fault you for signing up or Nugent for dodging the draft, if he did, in a war that many Americans felt was immoral. My parents and many other relatives served in the military, but if they had felt a war was wrong, I would understand their refusing to serve. But you make a good point about chickenhawks, which would include Trump: someone refusing to serve but glorifying war, excusing war crimes, and pushing for the “freedom” for Americans to buy assault rifles and massacre their fellow citizens.

      • jeff skinner says:

        Better than his right hand like yourself

    • Avoiding the draft, then using that as a springboard to notoriety. Wow, what a patriot.

    • He does what he loves (being a ridiculously vitriolic frackjob), we do what we love (making fun of him for it). I don’t see a diff.

    • The Jimbot™ says:

      Yes, he did what he loves and still do. By that, I mean he still shits his pants whenever he doesn’t want to man up.

    • Terri says:

      Keep hating. It’s good for the country.

    • Carole Anderson says:


    • John says:

      You mean like shiting his self and walk walking around with it in his pants for a week to not go to Nam. Cause he loves that shit.

  6. Gray Malkin says:

    I’m sure the news was a real blow to PETA loons, anti-Second Amendment types, pro-Illegal Immigration wack-jobs – heck, Liberal Socialist Democrats in general – everywhere.

  7. Linda Martin says:

    tomy kay : No need to brown nose him, he doesn’t know you exist anyway, and if he did, he’d probably want to shoot you, so stop defending the old bastard. He’s a has been, pedophile, no account. The only people who give a shit about him are his gun buddies…..and you. He’s a pathetic asshole.

  8. Maxie Grant says:

    ‘To sweeten the pot, he also defecated in his pants. “I was so proud,” Nugent recalled. ‘

    That’s funny, because I used to characterize racists as people who shit their pants and expect everyone to applaud them (because I guess that’s the only praise they’ve ever gotten).

    And Nugent can deny this all he likes; he was spewing that story for years, not just once but several times. I went looking for it and found variations on it in virtually every rock magazine of the era. What a LOSER.

  9. Billy Grabarkowitz says:

    As a Vietnam veteran I would like to thank this useless prick for staying out of my Army. We were a group with courage and commitment, not of cowards who would rather fuck 13 year old girls than defend their country.

    Nugent, I know you won’t personally read this but I also know that you have trolls that search daily for any mention of your name and they will certainly find this as they search under keywords that define you; Koch-sucker, cocksucker, asshole, pseudo Christian asshole, mother butt fucker, NRA enema, dirt road trucker, etc.

    Maybe your make believe Jesus will forgive you but real Americans never will. May you die a slow painful death as did many of my brothers who exercised their patriotism in a manner you will never understand.

    • don dawkins says:

      How you could go into a pre induction physical filled with many who would later be killed and maimed behaving in such a despicable manner boggles the mind. Then this sleazy sob try’s to come off as Captain America.

      Contempt is not a strong enough word. I would love to be trapped alone on a elevator with this pos.

    • krissti kass says:

      Thank goodness for real men like you…. I thought for a second this was a post praising his cowardly ass. Thank you for serving your country and thank you for all the wonderful things you say about this gutless bastard who deserves nothing more than to rot in hell!

  10. Pierre Savoie says:

    Let us take a moment to reflect on the fact that: we ALL live, but most of us have never really died!

  11. kgp says:

    he should get into the clown car that is the field of candidates for the presidency

  12. Da Bomb says:

    I felt that the world and just improved until I saw the last word in the headline.

  13. John Sanders says:

    Wow. I was worried there for a second. Without the man who sings Wang Dang Sweet Poontang, I didn’t know where I was going to turn for advice on family values.

  14. RHBJr says:

    Hey Ted, learn a fourth chord.

    • Diggz says:

      Ted never learned a chord nor scale.. He dont believe in following trends. That’s why there will never be no living mongrol ever like your Uncle Ted… Regards..

  15. Mark Lynn says:

    Ted Nugent is a American Icon, Standing for a Spirit of the wild , a direct attitude of patriotism, and a fine example of what we the ” sheeple” should stand for … A hard working, American loving, 2nd Amendment suporter, a activist against our crime ridden Government ,,,, He seems tireless in his efforts on tv, magazine articles, his own magazine, videos, and appearances in support to rally the people to awaken and see with him the chains that are being fitted for us all by those who own the keys… God Bless America and Ted Nugent !! Love ya Uncle Ted

    • krissti kass says:

      You suck and so does this pos. He is nobody and a sick person who is a child molester… maybe you can take your kids to your heroes house and drop them off since you think he is such a great guy. Screw 2nd amendment, screw dverything he stands for and screw you for supporting this pos.

  16. randall says:

    Cry liberals, cry. Red-blooded americans won’t follow your nonsense. Yet, you wish people dead and rejoice. Karma, set thyself upon these bitches! bwa!

    • ahughes798 says:

      I don’t wish him dead. I just think he’s a draft-dodging pedophile. Red blooded Americans usually don’t like draft-dodgers, and they especially don’t like pedophiles. Why do you, you red blooded ‘Murican, you?

  17. mattzcat says:

    Anybody who thinks that risking their life for rice, multinational (foreign) oil companies, or Israel is noble or patriotic, has really been snowed.

  18. Blake Kamper says:

    Jim, I actually loved growing up listening to his solo stuff.
    Cat scratch fever, Stranglehold, Wango~Tango, Free-for-all; he was a guitar player’s guitar player. He knew how to take a three-piece power trio and deliver the rock and roll glory punch!.
    My friends and I would love to see him when he played smaller venues like the House Of Blues and just watch him rock the freaking house! A Very very good showman who could back it all up with serious guitar chops.
    His prime went beyond the Amboy Dukes.
    What he did in The late 70s was killer!
    Of course, When we would see him in concert we learned to EXPECT to hear him spew his right wing nonsense between songs and we would all laugh because it was kind of cute/silly freedom of speech nonsense and we would just yell from the front of the stage, “Shut~up and play your friggin’ guitar!”
    He would flip us the middle finger and then rip into the classics like he was playing them for the last time ever. It was Rock and Roll. Great fun.
    But, what started out as cute silly nonsense between songs had turned into a harmful, disgusting, racist, unfunny, misogynistic, self~adoring, quasi-narcissistic brand of masturbation on stage. And I’m not talking about the stage of a rock ‘n roll show, I’m talking about the microphone that he is given at too many right wing rallies and radio talk shows where his racism is no longer hidden, his contempt for the immigrants who have made up this country for the last 240 years, his degradation of women in politics that he doesn’t agree with, saying the most vile thing about their femininity on stage, and all the rest of the nonsense that is just making me sick to my stomach now.
    He is heard and followed by too many right wing nut jobs. And it has spoiled that direction and ambition. It’s different now.
    I could never wear his Ted Nugent hoodie that I bought 13 years ago at the House of Blues again!. Normally I would have given It to Goodwill so that somebody could get some use out of it, but I threw it away!
    I no longer want myself or anybody else to advertise his “Brand”.
    To me it’s no longer about the kick ass guitar rock music, it’s about a race~baiting, egotistical, draft dodging war monger who likes to be the center of attention while he is fomenting hate among large groups of Americans and contributing to the divisiveness that is destroying America as we know it..
    So I threw him away too!

  19. Lee says:

    There’s no justice in the world. David Bowie, John Lennon, Ray Charles, Janis Joplin, Jerry Garcia and Roy Orbison are all dead, while Ted Nugent, Pat Robertson, Pat Boone, Phyllis Schlafly, Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch are all alive!

  20. dmackay says:

    Such a shame to see so many comments about Nugent not wanting to go to war.

    What many go to war for- (In my opinion) in not what they think.

    I wouldn’t want to go to war- and if someone gave me a gun and asked me to defend my country- One in Which the government LIES Consistently – they would likely be shot!
    Government TRUMPS- Over Rights and Freedoms, and Wealthy Corporations are the Priority over Poverty. Capitalism and Control are the Governments’ main agendas.

    All the Vet’s Certainly have my Respect for their Courage,
    and Sympathy- for their Mistreatment by Government- Since I know many are living a life with SEVERE Disabilities, and Permanent Disability- and being Denied Health Care and WCB Benefits- I hope they feel that the Wars the Government Create are Justifiable- I Certainly Do Not!

  21. JAMES WITT says:

    DAMN! Nugent, Kid Pebble, and Kanye Kardashian all in the same week. This is a real blow to the music world!!!

  22. I’m horrified to hear this. My sympathies to all.

  23. On April 14, 2012, Ted proclaimed, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

  24. Dan Trigona says:

    Only ones annoyed are PC liberals who would rather this 2nd Amendment hardcore supporter be found dead, preferably with bullet wounds or shotgun wounds to further their agenda.

  25. Tim Bromund says:

    What an utterly douchebaggy article.

  26. Muzzbustr says:

    The Nudge is almost as fun to watch as “allah” you left-nut no-brains that scream phobo-phobic racist everything just because the Mudscum hoard is NO LONGER going to be imported en masse…It must suck to be a lefty….

  27. Matthew says:

    Funny, but mean.

    But still funny.

  28. Shitkicker says:

    Die already

  29. Jimmy says:

    Wow I just want to know how many ppl here has served the military in peace or war cuz I am not seeing any bitching about them

  30. EARTHLINGS says:

    Ted did in FACT avoided the draft. Nugent dodging the draft didn’t come out of thin air; Nugent himself reportedly attested to the act during a 1977 interview with High Times. During a 2006 interview with the U.K.’s Independent, Nugent denied the whole story, saying, “You’ve got to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up. I never did crystal meth. And I never pooped my pants.” He also claimed in the interview that a student deferment got him out of the draft. Another crock by Nugent, yet he was always good with BS just like Trump. LIARS & Cowards. Research does show that in fact that the NRA firearm advocate did have a student deferment, but he was ultimately rejected from military service in 1969 as a RESULT of a physical examination. The story on this is partly just BS and Nugent isn’t dead YET but there’s still a lot of truth being said too. At age 18, Nugent was a COWARD and yet he was killing animals even as a child. Yet one thing’s certain, Ted Nugent is having health issues at the age of 68 as of December 13th and he’s also losing his hair faster then ever these days too. Yet at least he still has his fake teeth. Bottom line regarding Nugent is he’s always been a coward and even laughs with pleasure of causing suffering to animals and that makes him a psychopath.

    • Nugent Eats Pustule Boils says:

      Ted Zero Talent Nugent has ALWAYS sucked…at everything. I’m well over 55 now so I can attest to his so called “heyday”ohhhhh GAWD were those 18.3 months of his “peak period” AWFUL…horrid! Phhewwww, what a cloud of ass stink! He can’t write…can’t play worth a shit, and looks like a feral nutria on meth! Please…please let him pass away with his lips wrapped around t-Rumps tiny, shriveled weeny.

  31. Mishy says:

    This was needed. Thanks for the the fun!

  32. A bro says:

    There is some funny stuff here, people…not much talk about his music, though. I saw him warm up Greg Allman @House of Blues in Chgo. He came onto stage dressed like an American Indian brave or warrior and shot flaming arrows into a target. Oh yeah, he played guitar afterwards. What was the one word in that song, ” take a ride to the______ side of your mind,” from “Journey to The Center of Your Mind.” I was drafted out of college and shipped overseas. I never pooped my pants, but I was so scared once I wet myself. I wonder if he’s ever been to one of those African pay for kill haunts where they breed & raise Lions for hunt/kill. they keep the prey(sic) in a confined area. It’s been on public T.V. anyway, I was never a big fan of his axe/voice & especially his public opinions on being an Amercan, gun ownership and hunting. Thank You falettinmebemicelf. A bro…gate.

  33. Nugeoholic says:

    Most of you fucking idiots are just spewing shit your read on the Internet and not even old enough to remember Ted in his hey day. As far as dodging the draft that’s bullshit from High Times. If you want to believe a magazine based on the love of drugs knock yourself out. His dad was a drill Sargent in the army and would have kicked his ass and disowned him.
    As far as sex with young girls name one rock band anywhere or time that didn’t partake. Does that make it right no but don’t throw rocks in glass houses
    I’ve met Ted on several ocassions and have personally witnessed the good he has done to keep kids off drugs and straighten this backward ass country up. He talks like your Grandpa and makes your little sissy bleeding hearts cry! Fuck you all (most) hardly!

  34. Patsy says:

    This man made some seriously, insanely awesome music.

    His politics are wank, IMHO- but what a talented MF!

    If he could only keep his opinions on politics dissociated with his music – not easy these days.

    I am female and as far left as you can get, but these tracks laced my adolescence…I can appreciate them to the utmost.

    • Robert white says:

      His politics are “wack” because your uneducated about truth and fact…or perhaps you do know truth, and your just a marxist or facist…either way, both are “wack”.
      I hope you can’t afford to drive right now, ha..$7 a gallon, thanks democrats!!

  35. Rbrown says:

    Very sad.
    Ted is not
    And never was
    A good person.

  36. ymous_anon says:

    I realize this website is satirical , but Nugent really is a hypocrite and a scumbag who should have been locked up 25 years ago

  37. Lee says:

    Keep on rockin Uncle Ted just think of the Great White Buffalo on the Open Range they call me dwb Moon Lake Florida peace my man

  38. Deb says:

    What the hell are you all talking about

  39. Taino says:

    I hope some one shoots him with his own gun. That would be poetic Justice

  40. David Lefever says:

    Can’t believe the sad news that he’s alive. I thought a deer would get revenge on him.

  41. Big Daddy Nut says:

    Nugent is Awsome….keep on Rockin the World Ted

  42. Boyd Stanley says:

    7 X Draft Dodger shouldn’t be allowed to own a Gun much alone at the N.R.A. Ted shouldn’t be allowed in the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame being a 7Xdraft dodger

  43. Jolly Roger says:

    All of you are retarded.

  44. Steve says:

    Why was anybody even looking for him in the first place?

  45. Topher says:

    This shit is funny & so are all of your posts! Such vitriol between Americans. May God save us from Cheeto Benito (current POTUS) & his right wing lemmings like Uncle Ted. ‘Thought a deer would get revenge’ BRILLIANT!

  46. Diana says:

    I do not fault Nugent for dodging the draft, if he did, in a war that many Americans felt was immoral. My parents and many other relatives served in the military, but if they had felt a war was immoral, I would understand their refusing to serve. What I don’t understand is someone refusing to serve but glorifying war, excusing war crimes, and pushing for the “freedom” to buy assault rifles and massacre their fellow citizens.

  47. Dean says:

    Whatever quak news this is….phuk u

  48. Robert white says:

    Democrats are the hate party…they bitch, moan and hate everything!! America is waking up to it. Common sense will prevail.

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