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Man Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Before Photobomb

Photo by Yannick Croissant via Flickr (CC BY 4.0)

Photo by Yannick Croissant via Flickr (CC BY 4.0)

Amsterdam, Netherlands – According to Dutch police, a crazed man detonated a devastating photobomb on an unsuspecting newlywed couple visiting Amsterdam on their honeymoon.

The couple, John and Maggie Hillard from Manistique, Michigan, was taking a tour of the city Tuesday afternoon and taking pictures when a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and shouted “Allahu Akbar!” (God is Great) before photobombing what would have been a very nice picture of the beautiful Amstel River.

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte was on holiday in the south of France but returned immediately for an emergency meeting with the country’s National Security Council.

“I condemn any and all photobombing,” the prime minister said. “Thoughts are with the victims of this heinous attack. We have the suspect in custody and are monitoring the situation closely.”

“Initial indications very clearly point towards terrorism,” he told the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.

While Mr. Hillard escaped unharmed, his wife Maggie was treated and released for minor emotional distress. It is currently unknown if the couple plan to pursue charges.

The suspect, Amir Fahdi, 39, told investigators that he too was visiting Amsterdam as a tourist and was just asking the newlyweds for directions. “We’re looking into his claims,” said lead investigator, Martyn Verhoeven.

Records show Mr. Fahdi was recently questioned by FBI officials in the U.S. after he allegedly launched a cyber attack that left an acquaintance’s inbox destroyed.

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3 Responses to "Man Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Before Photobomb"

  1. xdmaster312 says:

    This is more than fake.

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