5 Great Ways To Entertain Guests During Your Thanksgiving Celebration
For those of you who are actively avoiding the Black Friday Shopping frenzy, and actually looking forward to spending meaningful time with your family and friends, National Report has lovingly put together a list of new and unique ways to create [...]

Study Claims Women Abandon Feminism After Finding Meaningful Relationships With Men
Women who remain die-hard feminists well into adulthood are oftentimes the least desirable specimens, science now claims.
“The only relationships they have are often ones with other females who subscribe to the same strict ideologies, [...]

5 New Reasons To Be Unhappy With Your Vagina
As a woman there are few things more horrifying than your own genitalia. Hidden–thankfully so–between a cleft in your thighs, this reproductive organ seems to inspire feelings of guilt and inadequacy in its owner.
Since the dawn [...]

35-Year-Old Man Sues His Mother After Being Evicted From Basement Of Her Home
Duane Hollingsworth shuffles around the cramped confines of his temporary home–a tiny 5th wheel trailer filled with boxes containing clothes, personal effects, and other meager belongings. After spending his entire life dwelling in the basement [...]

Study Shows Majority Of Americans Believe Trump’s Twitter Intrinsically Linked To His Presidency
Donald Trump is infamous for his aggressive tweeting habits, which is why internet users were left utterly befuddled Thursday when @realdonaldtrump linked to a broken page on Twitter’s website.
It has been reported that a disgruntled Twitter [...]

George Zimmerman Set To Release Children’s Book Series
It seems as if George Zimmerman has found a new calling in life. One that could possibly restore his tainted public image and help children around the world to avoid situations similar to the one that cost Trayvon Martin his life.
Zimmerman, [...]