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420 Marijuana Holiday Canceled Because of Bummer Week

420 cancelation(National Report) – There’s a real glumness over America this week that adorable pet videos cannot cure.

Many on Reddit’s “trees” forums have suggested forgoing the day long smoke out in reverence to the horrors of this week. Cancellation of the events is a singular bright spot in a week filled with terrorism and suffering.

Marijuana fanatics, much like short wave radio enthusiasts, planned to meet in different cities to smoke dope and escape all the care and woes of living in a modern world. Instead these pottery groups will be speculating on America’s political divide, the end time prophecies and the abject horror on our doorstep.

The economic impact of the cancelation will be felt for several weeks, possibly extending into the summer. Drug testing facilities that usually see 43% of annual processing income from the 421 Surprise Drug Test Day will need to make up the loss in other ways.

Snack food manufacturers will be saddled with excess inventories in both North America and Mexico. Bimbo snack foods, Mexican makers of the banana flip could see a significant market bite due to the decision. The number of drug cartel deaths should decrease due to lower marijuana sales but higher CBD sales in the US. Royal CBD, a well known company in the marijuana industry, is on a mission to provide hemp derived CBD to all through the CBD movement, by providing access to education, research and testimonials.

It isn’t often the apathetic and sometimes selfish counterculture can be praised for well reasoned decisions, but in the case of cancelling 420 and focusing on solutions to an increasingly crazy world, one must say “well done”.

Reference to Group Forums Discussing Cancellation:

The Hiking Club

Canadian Beaver Patrol

Pot Medicine Club

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One Response to "420 Marijuana Holiday Canceled Because of Bummer Week"

  1. Nigel Covington says:

    Barbara after reading this story I must say its hard to look away and pretend its not there.

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