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Trump: “Build a Fence Around New Mexico”

(AP Photo/Jonathan Bachman)

(AP Photo/Jonathan Bachman)

HOT SPRINGS, AR– Saying, “New Mexico. Mexico. It’s all the same. The word Mexico is in the name of both places, isn’t it?,” Republican presidential contender Donald Trump doubled down on his controversial comments about Mexico during a campaign speech here, telling supporters that he would, “Build a fence around New Mexico and make them pay for it” if he becomes president.

“First thing I’d do – and mark my words on this one – I’d call (New Mexico Governor) Susana Martinez and say to her, ‘Listen, sweetie, cut the crap and quit sending the worst of your worst to all the other states, the rapists and murderers and drug dealers and all the other low-lifes you have there in Santa Fe.’ I mean, come on, the meth problem is so bad there they made a documentary about that Walter White character, cooking up drugs in an RV out in the desert,” he continued, adding, “And now there’s a new show out there glorifying his scumbag attorney. Well, the buck stops with me. Look it up. I’m very rich and I’m also a nice guy.”

A Trump spokesperson, David Atherton, confirmed the candidate was referring to the long-running AMC series Breaking Bad and its prequel, Better Call Saul. When asked if Trump knew they are both fictional television shows that happen to be set in New Mexico, Gonzalez deflected the answer. “Donald Trump can’t be a racist. After all, he hired me to as a spokesperson and I have friends in New Mexico. The liberal media would like nothing better than to elect a known drug kingpin like Walter White himself to be president.”

During his speech, Trump touched on the weekend escape of real-life drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman from a high-security prison in Mexico. Earlier in the day, Guyzman reportedly sent threatening Tweets to Trump. “If I were (President) Obama, I’d send the FBI to stake out Walter White’s place. Dollars to donuts, I’d bet a lot of money – and I have a lot of money, look it up, I’m very, very rich – that’s where ‘Chapo’ is, right this second. After all, birds of a feather, right? I mean, they’re both drug dealers. For all we know, Albuquerque is a sanctuary city, which means ‘president pothead’ – the guy smoked a lot of dope in college, look it up if you don’t believe me – he won’t lay a glove on the place. What a dope and a loser, that’s my final word on that,” Trump said.

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115 Responses to "Trump: “Build a Fence Around New Mexico”"

  1. Hora says:

    No one can beat what Trump said, 99.99% of ton of drug enter in USA come from Mexico and a plot Mexico doing against American be will not work. I time for stop Mexico, and insolate Mexico in Mexico and let survive alone. Now what small minority won we don’t care, we are a majority who decide, and Mexico must go down and stop blled blood money from USA and abuse.

    • Frogbeer says:

      Hora, carefully reread the headline. This is satire site making fun of and money off people like you. You stepped right in it.

    • Ss says:

      Please reread lol you probably think New Mexico is Mexico :/

    • carece says:


    • Cazador says:

      You consider yourself an American and you don’t even know that New Mexico is apart or the US. Your a fucking idiot just stay under the rock you live in and shut the fuck up.

    • Lori says:

      Um, New Mexico is part of the United States people!!! OMG, and this person wants to be President.

      • marie says:

        ? what a stupid jerk. Not only does Mexico touch NM but also, Calif, Texas, keep gong. But its different because NM has Mexico in it. And he wants to be president? Oh hell to the NO!

    • Nichole says:

      First of all, you need to take not only a grammar class but a geography class or at least look at a map!!! I live in New Mexico and hate to break it to you but New Mexico is a part of the USA NOT Mexico. So 100% not 99.9% can say you are completely ignorant.

    • Cmp says:

      Ok so these are the people supporting Trump, it all makes sense now. Just an FYI – I live in NM and promise I don’t need a passport to enter other states.

    • nathan says:

      You think new mexico is a place filled with Mexicans!!!! This i s baby back bull shit! We may place in last for most stuff but trump had no fucking right to say That shit! He is a ignorant little piece of fucking shit!!!

    • haze says:

      He said new mexico dumb fuck were part of the USA build a fencale around new mexico not everyone’s a criminal.. fuck trump he’s a fuckin pussy if he gets elected the whole united states is fucked..

      • Isaac says:

        I honestly and straight up told my mom that if Trump gets elected president, I’d seriously move out of the country!! In my mind I see that yes trump isn’t doing wrong with addressing and bringing border patrol issues up during his campaign, and interviews and stuff. But the issues and all the so called “facts” he talks about when addressing and getting deep into border issues and the people involved whether it’s the US, Mexico or the rest of the world and or terrorists possibly slipping through undetected is a load of shit. I believe that candidates for president whether it’s democrats, republicans or every party in between involved should at least have some sort of input on that issue. But exactly what Trump is saying about it all or again the people involved and what should or needs to happen makes him look arrogant and like a total asshole. I can’t take him or anything he says serious anymore. So in this coming election, I will be watching and studying this very seriously to find who I believe is a worthy candidate, just so it’s not Trump

        • Kat says:

          Issac…I agree. If trump were to become president, we will leave the country. Yes, he has the right to bring up the issues facing America, however my biggest concern is what and how he says it…it is nasty and disrespectful to all of us Americans. And yet there will be people who will vote for him…that is way too scary in my opinion. The sad thing is they are voting for him because he is republican and they are haters and not any other reason…..

      • Cassidy Pen says:

        Please refrain from using the fuckword on this site. Young people read these comment section and need not be subjected to your filthy vocabulary.

        • Kat says:

          Cassidy Pen…..they may be young but likely are adults….so, they can make their own decision whether they wish to continue to read posts with nasty words or not. It isn’t your call what words people use. If you are offended don’t read what is posted here.

    • Jimmy madrid says:

      Dear Donald Trump I’m Jimmy Madrid from Clovis New Mexico I have never done meth in my life I am a very active citizen of the United States and I am very proud to be an American hope you never come to New Mexico which if I also may add is a part of the United States and has nothing to do with Mexico you are a disgrace to the 50 states and I would like nothing more than for you to rot in hell where you belong I hope you get raped in your hometown from a meth addict or Tweaker you are a narrow minded egotistical prick I wish death upon nobody but I think your funeral would bring a smile to my face

      Sincerely:jimmy madrid a proud new Mexican

    • Tanny says:

      U fucking Dumbass new mexico and mexico are not the same! Ha stupid ass!

      • Cassidy Pen says:

        The NR Administrators of this comment section have been notified about you using the fuckword. I hope you’re banned.

        • Rul says:

          You do know this is an article about political issues, right? Do you seriously think young people will be reading this? Yes I don’t really like that people use the F word, but it is a way to express their sense of anger towards the remarks made by Donald Trump. We do have freedom of speech and expression, and I am positive that everyone reading these comments will be old enough to hear this type of language.

        • Steven Wray says:

          LMAO you do realize sir every time you say fuckword, that you yourself are in fact putting the word fuck on the page for the kiddies to read as well… If you want to censor your self try f-word, or maybe f-bomb…have a nice day fucktard.

    • Andres says:

      Why doesn’t anyone complain about America’s insatiable appetite for illegal drugs? It’s too damn easy to pin all our social/economic problems on Mexico, isn’t it?? Illegals pump BILLIONS of dollars into the US economy every year! They pay taxes into Social Security with bogus SSNs, and may probably never see that money again. So I’m FED UP with all of these negative labels being attached to my Mexican people! Instead, focus on the root causes of those problems right here in America!

    • Marie says:

      Its a true there is alot of drugs gang violence child molesters and rapes in New Mexico. Im from new mexico my grandfather Gorge Curry took New Mexico from Mexico he was the first governor.. and I bet he wouldn’t like what this state is today. Yes we have our tradition our New Mexico. Culture

    • Marie says:

      Its a true there is alot of drugs gang violence child molesters and rapes in New Mexico. Im from new mexico my grandfather Gorge Curry took New Mexico from Mexico he was the first governor.. and I bet he wouldn’t like what this state is today. Yes we have our tradition our New Mexico Culture that we love but come on people who dosent have a family member or a friend thats all hooked on meth or heroin?.. what about the children that have lost there lives from abuse? Omaree! Breanna! I can go on.. but only we can make New Mexico Great again if we open our eyes.. We dont even have opportunity for a felon to be a productive member its verry hard here for change other states have certificates so I felon can better them selves and get a good job and support their kids and familys and most of all charge.. New Mexico doesn’t. Trump should weed out the bad and make New Mexico great again! Build a fence regulate build structure for people who want to do good. TRUMP can do this!

      • Penny says:

        Yes, we do have gangs, drugs and problems; just like all the other states have as well. If you think Trump can fix things, you are certainly fooled by a very foolish man. He expects his money to buy the presidency; because he is accustomed to buying whatever he wants. Every candidate has some good ideas, but this guy just goes way too far. I can see him in a room with leaders of other countries. They may shoot him if he starts running his mouth. He is as far from a Christian man as we could get, hands down, without a doubt.

    • Flare says:

      Well I think it’s wrong to build a fence around New Mexico just because of all the rapist and other kinds of ppl in Mexico. New Mexico isn’t Mexico! So I just think that’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard! I don’t agree with that!!! >:(

  2. Hassan Proby says:


  3. dynamicd says:

    This just goes to show how stupid “money” makes you, obviously trumps money didn’t buy him a proper education as he doesn’t realize 1: New Mexico is part of the United states & 2: breaking bad and better call Saul are TV SHOWS! Trump is a narssacistic ass hole.

  4. LandofEntrap says:

    Not surprised, I live in NM and traveled to Florida. Got in a verbal fight with the lady at DisneyWorld who demanded to see my passport. Um…what?

  5. Thoughtful says:

    Old Mc Donald had a farm… With ignorance here and ignorance there… Let’s top it off with racism 🙂

  6. Maureen says:

    I was behind Trump until I read this,he just showed his ignorance..

  7. karmakat357 says:

    Hahaha, you guys are so funny… Obama…57 states… just saying

  8. Nichole says:

    As a New Mexican and an University of New Mexico alumni I find this more than offensive. El Paso, Texas boarders Juarez, cartel city so should we build a fence around part of Texas? This guy wants to be president…ha! That’s a joke! You have to take the good with the bad not that the rest of the states are in the greatest conditions. New Mexico is ONE of the fifty states of the USA!!! Not all of his money can afford to have his foot removed from his mouth this time.

    • Tony says:

      your ignorance of satire and improper grammar are proof that you attended UNM.

      • Chris says:

        Tony, you and everyone else who has to talk crap about the people, is ignorant, I bet non of you have the guts to even say that in New Mexico, USA, muchless to anybody here, besides, we would all be Trump toilet paper not just N.M. USA. …No Trump…

        • Tony says:

          I live in New Mexico. I attended NMSU. Making fun of UNM alumni is as easy as breathing. Your comment is near incomprehensible due to its errors. I do not support Mr. Trump or any of the current presidential candidates. To me they are all equally worthless. However, Mr. Trump’s lack of a filter and the responses of people like you has provided me with endless entertainment.

      • Kim says:

        It seems to me that you are the one who is ignorant by attacking someone else. Yes, what Trump said may have been intended in a satirical vein, but it is offensive nonetheless. It gets quite old when others cannot comprehend that NM is indeed one of the states that make up the USA.
        Oh, BTW, I’ve lived in NM most of my life, and go to UNM. I can spell correctly, use grammar appropriately, and can recognize satire and idiots from a fair distance away….

        • Tony says:

          Thank you for your comment. It is refreshing to read something that is legible. I did not mean for my original comment to be taken as a malicious attack instead, I mean it to be simple banter between UNM and NMSU. I do however, find it annoying to see comments that are unintelligible. The main reason I chose to comment at all was because this is a satirical website and people in these comments seem to believe Mr. Trump literally said what was in this article. Mr. Trump has made offensive comments regarding Mexico and building walls but, he has never mentioned NM.

  9. NMproud says:

    Dear Donald Trump,

    You’re a f&$.@/g idiot. How someone so stupid can be so rich can only mean one thing, BRIBES!!!


    New ‘Mexico, 47th state in the Union, before Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii!!!!!

  10. PUEBLONATIVE says:

    “Build a fence around New Mexico?” seriously? Donald Trump needs to snap that the state of New Mexico is a state of Native Americans! I am proud to say i am a Native American women from the tribes of Jemez Pueblo and Santa Ana Pueblo and i live in the state of New Mexico. I can proudly say i know the history of my people. Donald trump is an immigrant himself, what is his background? Where are his ancestors from? Who knows, his blood line could travel from out of this country! This is NATIVE country. Maybe what we Native Americans can do i build a fence around his home!. We natives Were here first.

  11. Raymond says:

    Trump is stupid.Doesn’t know about my home state New Mexico.New Mexico is one of the 50 states where people can come & live.People can live & eat great people.New Mexico is where Billy the Kid was shot.

  12. Raymond says:

    Disregard errors on my recent post.I meant to say eat great food.Not eat people.Come eat great food & learn about the history.

  13. Raymond says:

    No need to build a fence around New Mexico.A state where many people can live for example blacks,whites asians hispanics,euros further on more people of many decendants.I think Trump needs to stop being a greedy man.I think New Mexico is a place where i wanna welcome many people of all races.I hate our state being only mexcians.We should unfence it & allow many people in.I love the people.I just hate the rude ones.

  14. Daniel Guillot says:

    There’s a fundamental misunderstanding about what a physical barrier—even the triple-layer fencing in San Diego–actually does or doesn’t do for the agency charged with building fencing and securing the border. All it really does is buy you time where a crosser could otherwise quickly escape or assimilate. None of the fencing is impenetrable. People will eventually dig under it or cut through it or go over it,. Some fencing makes sense tactically in areas selected by the Border Patrol, as where we have deployed some 700 miles of it

  15. William Hartwell says:

    What a fucktard! You just lost my vote asshole! Dude, are you really that ignorant?

  16. Machi says:

    Rotflmfao whats next?? Ignorance at its finest..

  17. john says:

    OMG this guy is an idiot and a racist what a trash of a president will be if he wins anyway good luck for Mr trump he will need it oh yea and new mexico is part of the united states read a history book you will find it idiot…

  18. Nm Raised says:

    I grew up in New Mexico and I agree with Trump there is a lot of drugs and a lot of ppl I know got hooked on dope with no resources no clinics that doesn’t make them low lives it just means New Mexico doesn’t care about their ppl and ignore the problems. I’ve lived in Texas 5 years now and I see alot less druggies but there are resources here for everything and everyone !!Texas cares New Mexico needs a Change!! everytime I go visit it’s the same or worse sad but trueAnd it doesn’t help that Judges are giving leanient sentences and not to mention my little town of 60k need more law enforcement because of all the dope heads and increasing crime rate. Yet there is no checkpoints the drugs are just walking in!! build a dam fence or cage I’m Mexican to but if these so called good Mexicans or from wherever they are from all over the world want to come to the U.S. Then they need to get permission like any good person would!

    • joe says:

      Hey, NM Raised, Texas is also full of drugs, just as bad as new mexico, probably worse.. Ever heard of HIDTA. It is an acronym for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. Guess what. Texas is classified as a high intensity drug trafficking state. Don’t believe me, check with homeland security. Do your research before posting crap you know nothing about. By the way, the reason drugs flow into this country is because the citizens crave and demand them. Economics 101, supply and demand. By the way New Mexico cares about it citizens just like every other state does, including Texas. Donald Trump is an idiot and draft dodging coward.

  19. BKEE says:


  20. Crae86 says:

    Hahahaha. Oh this is too funny. YES. Let’s give New Mexico to Mexico. It only has Los Alamos, you know the foundation of the nuclear bomb. If he becomes president we are doomed anyways.

  21. haze says:

    Fuck trump put a fence around new mexico stupid ass. Where not mexico were part of the USA not everyone in New Mexico is a criminal there’s actually good people.. if he gets elected the USA is so fucked Mark my words..

  22. spazygrl says:

    Yea good idea build a dense around new mexico so dumb idiots like him can stay out of the land of enchantment.

  23. Ryley says:

    So Donald trump yet again is a fucking retard because, he seems to only see the negatives of the Mexican american culture. When he is claiming that all of the crimes of the united states is sourced out of NM im 17 and I know that their are positives and negatives about all races. But lets be honest here everyone no matter the race where there from etc can commit a crime that could cripple the US. Donald Trump himself could be a murderer or a rapist or a thief or terrorist. point is this idiot needs to read a Blotter to educate himself on the matter of the crimes of the US. Also read some fucking history books because, New mexico is a Mexican territory just like. AZ California Texas so he may as well fence off the whole western side of the US.

  24. Joe hill says:

    I think the cheese slipped off this guys cracker. Dumbass.

  25. rain says:

    Haha fuck u fagett ass Trump. You probably had your tupe made in Mexico and you paid for sorry bitch ass trick I’m from nm and I don’t get high on method I sell tupes. Would you like anoth one that ones getting faded.bitch

  26. Mary says:

    Donald Trump you are an absolute IDIOT, I’m not quite sure how you got your money nor do I care, but I do want to say this, I have more respect for the average working Mexican than I will ever have for you and if there are people out there wanting to vote for you as our next president, then these people stupider than I ever dreamed of and I well be praying that God help us all

  27. New Mexico resident says:

    I live in New Mexico, and I have a great high paying job also in New Mexico.. I’m not out there selling drugs or rapping people or killing anyone. So I don’t know where this ignorant son of a bitch gets his information. Trump your one ignorant son of a bitch needs to get his head out of his ass.. building a fence around New Mexico. Who does he think he is you piece of shit.. you need to shut the fuck up.

  28. Shane says:

    oh my God. Please build a fence around New Mexico to keep hoditos like this guy out. The less Idiots the better. I’d honestly rather move to a foreign country than have this man be president.

  29. Boo says:

    I have been to New Mexico many times.

    From personal experience, I can assure the you it is not part of the United States.

  30. master says:

    Whats the point of building a fence, anyway if trump wants to stop El Chapo, he wont, because El Chapo makes tunels, not trails, and probably other cartels will start doing the same. Theres only one solution, help them with military support inside mexico and latin american countries to end the cartels. Not trying to asolate, because we use those countries low economy to make things cheaper for us like the automobile industry, agriculture, and manufactures. If we manage to asolate, things will become more expensive for us. Trump is clearly stupid and nows nothing about economy and commonwealth.

    • Master,

      Thanks for leaving us your comment. I have one question though. How is it that a man who nearly went bankrupt in 1990 is worth $4 billion today when he’s… “stupid and nows (sic) nothing about economy and commonwealth.” Would you say he’s just lucky?

  31. Ricky Nieto says:


    • lama says:

      Yes Ricky , QUE VIVA DA SANTA FE
      I don’t get how New Mexico Has had so many tourist
      and people still have know idea we are part of the USA
      if it wasn’t for NM know one would have GREEN OR RED HATCH Chili, pottery, blankets turquoise or even Hilton Hotel to stay at we have so many famous people come from here lol New Mexico has culture
      IF we are such a bad state and need a big ass Fence around NM
      To make the rest of the USA safe then stop moving here people PS hasn’t everybody seems Scarface the first drugs came from Florida also there’s so many drugs in this world what about JEd Bush starting up OxyContin kill me if he becomes president

  32. Hmmmm... says:

    I don’t know if people realize this, but Trump actually wasn’t saying that New Mexico wasn’t one of the 50 states. What he’s saying is that there is no difference between New Mexico and Mexico.

    It’s not that he has his geography wrong…it’s that he’s a racist fuck. Don’t worry everyone. He won’t get elected. Won’t even make it past the Primaries.

  33. Nana says:

    As a retired teacher, grandmother,and third generation New Mexican of English descent,I would hope these are indeed his final words. I have heard enough already. His campaign is a joke and a satire on its own. What could he ever offer to help average middle class citizens? he is indeed arrogant and also completely out of touch with Americans and how and where they live.

  34. Alex says:

    Doesn’t this asshole know New Mexico is part of the USA?? I kinda liked him but now?… Not so much… I think he needs to study US geography… Smh…

  35. donald says:

    OK you dumb fucks I live in new mexico and last time i checked new mexico is part of the four corners in the united states which means you can be in four states at one time and no we dont need a pass port to travel to other states everyone needs to know there facts before they start putting down new mexico and we are not the only state that borders mexico look at Texas. Why dont people to about Texas is it cause they dont have mexico in there name and not everyone here in new mexico are bad people

  36. Kay says:

    If you guys actually believed everything you read in this article, you must’ve been outraged by the “Obama Orders EPA to “Cork” Old Faithful Geyser To Reduce Global Warming” article.

  37. jenn odegaard says:

    I was raised in NM and Colorado. Moved all over and drugs are everywhere. New Mexico (Yes, part of US) is full of my cultured, rugged, homestead, artistic family and friends. It has a sunset that paints the sky vivid magestic colors. i invite Trump to visit old town in Albuquerque or ride the longest tram, i invite him on hot air balloon ride above Taos to watch the wild horses gallop or the rafting box trip.i invite him to to chile roast in Las Cruces or day harvesting pecans. If he would look beyond his bubble of ignorance and greed, he might reach out to the actual working class who have built this country not the “low lives” he associates with and relates to. God Bless this country and NM!

  38. Trump is looking for attention and knows he is getting it when he gets the public in an uproar. If we all look towards the candidates that are speaking intelligence and ignore Trump, our energy won’t be wasted. We have to elect a president; let’s look for the good in one (as challenging as we know that can be); and all presidential candidates plus the voters need to look away from Trump as he is a true waste of time. He himself knows he hasn’t a chance to be elected; he has known it from the start. He is like the rebellious immature “child” looking (and obviously needing) much attention. All he has is money (as he keeps claiming); it’s all on “paper,” of course, and that fluctuations significantly on a daily basis! Every beautiful wife leaves him (obviously something is not right w/the man); so he is looking for attention he can’t get at home. His children are no where to be seen or heard supporting him; the sons are busy hunting and the daughter is living her life. I see a most lonely and discontent person; just look the other way, ignore his very unintelligent and most intentional comments and don’t vote for him. Keep your life good; you can control that.

  39. nope says:

    Trump you are an idiot lost my VOTE.

  40. Proud New Mexican/American says:

    Any New Mexican, no matter their party, who would vote for Trump is a damn fool. The fact that he is the Republican front runner is not only sad, it’s actually kinda scary too. It makes us look like a nation of fools. Trump makes us look like a nation of fools. Wake up America!

  41. CA TO NM says:

    TRUMP is a sideshow creating a total smokescreen. remember Ross Perot…the other billionaire who bought his moment of fame via the election? The fact that he is an openly racist front runner of the Republican Party speaks volumes for their agenda #justsaying I’d be really embarrassed to claim I was republican right now! Politicians are merely well funded puppets at least at the Presedential level.All this attention although negative still equates to dollar signs for Trumps empire. He’s a marketing evil genius! The only way he will make President is if he BUYS the polls. Sadly that may be possible! My formal opinion of his comments from a former New Mexico resident is:DUMP TRUMP….PRINT IT ON A TSHIRT…now that’s a marketing genius 😉

  42. damian says:

    Ok so NM is primarily a democratic state right? So by stirring us, New Mexicans up is just going to make us pay more attention to what is going on. Well played Donald. Living in the southern part of the state coming from the northern part, I see what he is talking about. Look around, the meth problem where I live is just overwhelming. Yes we have the worst prison system in the union, therefore we farm out our criminals to other states. Is this fair? Donald thinks not. Susanna Martinez is a big part of the problem with our contracted prison systems. But I make a plea to all of you out there, stay tuned in. Whether you like one candidate over another we the people need to vote, there are 50 states that make up our union, we are Americans!

  43. Donna Concannon says:

    Sir…….are you really that stupid?

  44. Richard says:

    As a Democrat i believe we are blessed to have such a dumb pos like chump Trump representing the republicon party he is a reflection of what that sick party represents. He is our greatest weapon. He ensures that a Demo will be elected President. I like Hillary but I prefer Bernie Sanders. He reminds me of the greatest president the US has ever had FDR.

    So Democrats dont hate the Donald (Duck) too much. This rich a-hole is our best weapon. His arrogance, hatred is going to catch up with him. His tongue may rot in is mouth

  45. Jason Moran says:

    So if New Mexico is the same as Mexico does that Make New York the same as Yiok? So with his own logic he can’t run for President because he is British. Lol

  46. HGJ says:

    Its funny how most of the United States citizens say they are Americans, I thought American’s knew about there history on the United States but yet are stupid too see that New Mexico is part of this country and you all call yourself American. I think most of you should go back to history class in school and actually pay attention and think about what you say before you say it

  47. HGJ says:

    Another thing about trump is he is talking crap about Mexicans are involved in drugs, rape, murder, etc… If you haven’t noticed trump the country population in the states that matter is Mexican. look at Mitt Romney he got most states on his side but still lost badly to Obama. why, because Obama got the big states that matter and those states have Mexicans that live in those big states so yeah good luck with your election because you just pulled the dumbest move ever

    • MNM says:

      Donald Trump is a stupid ass scumbag who obviously hasn’t taken a U.S. history class when he was in school to know that (New Mexico is part of the U.S.A), he doesn’t even know what he is talking about, he is nothing but a bastard who will never win for presidency and his followers are just as pathetic as he is.

  48. Valkyrie says:

    new mexico also holds like a fourth of u.s. nukes dumb fucks

  49. Cynthia Vargas says:

    Donald Trump bring yr Anglo worthless brain dead waste of life over to New Mexico. Try and put a fence around our state and keep out Mexican Nationals you don’t see them in prison for rape or murder etc I can bet your relatives occupy a few state penitentiaries.

  50. Alice Marva says:

    Don’t be mad, fellow New Mexicans! That just means we get to elect our own president if Trump wins! If we are not the 47th state, that means we are our own country! We no longer have to listen to the federal government or even the president at that point. We have our own military and the largest stockpile of pultonium in the world. Who cares about some silly ol’ stupid politician that obviously never took American History. Probably thinks the mayflower were the first people here. Probably doesn’t even know that the Native Americans were first, followed by the Spainards, and then the Vikings. New Mexico also has the oldest city in the USA… but of course, we aren’t Americans according to Trump. Ooo… and no Federal Taxes anymore. I think we should throw him a going away party and require him to have a passport to enter our state. It’ll be epic! I bet Texas would join us, they always want to leave the country.

*DISCLAIMER: National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.