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Vladimir Tops the List of Most Popular Baby Names in US

WASHINGTON, DC — Vladimir now heads the list of the most popular baby names for American boys, bumping Jackson, Aiden, Lucas, and Liam from the top spots. The Russian moniker began trending last year, reflecting the increasing number of Republican [...]

Trump Heads to Border to Insult Mexicans in Person

LAREDO, TX – Weeks after calling Mexicans “rapists” and criminals in his speech announcing his run for president, Donald Trump made a visit to the U.S. – Mexico border Thursday. “I think it’s important to see these low-life [...]

Ben Carson: Quit Calling Me Herman Cain!

Hardly a day goes by when Dr. Ben Carson, current Republican presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon and recent winner of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference Straw Poll, isn’t compared to – and mistaken for – Herman [...]

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